Middle School Staff Directory

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Main Office/Nursing Staff
Email  Voicemail 
Mr. Anthony Giaconia
School Principal
agiaconia 1001
Mrs. Lauren Dominick
Assistant Principal
ldominick 1002
Sharon Peake
Principal's Secretary
speake 1003
Nicole Castellano
Clerk Typist
ncastellano 1004
Marianne Disick
School Nurse 
 disickm 1110 

Bittner, Edward ebittner  1950
Bochicchio, Michael mbochicchio  1951 
Burdge, Tamara  tburdge 1954 
Burkart, Gabby  00 gburkart 1972
Burnett, Jared jburnett  1975 
Cappuzzo, Lisamarie  lcappuzzo 1955
Corsano, Tracy tcorsano   1956
D'Aniello, Vincent  danielv 1957
Dawson, Jaclyn  jsalemme 1982
Dellea, Elsie  edellea 1996
DiMicelli, Francesco website  fdimiceli 1997
DiSanzo, Kerri  kdisanzo 1958
Dotsey, Emily  edotsey 1953
Faunce, Stuart  sfaunce 1952
Fichera, Denise  dfichera 1959
Gates, Megan  mbanks 4953
Golizio, Jaime  11  jgolizio 1960
Golub, Cheri  cgolub 1961
Heine, Marcella  heinem 1962
Hunt, Kelly  khunt 1998
Joyce, Rhonda  joycer 1963
Kalash, Danielle  globe  dkalash 1964
Kapoor, Suman  skapoor 1965
Kazanjian, Daniel  dkazanjian 1966
Kostyz, Amy  akostyz  1968
Levinson, Rachel  rlevinson 3987
McManus, Lisa  mcmanul 1969
Muni, Joseph  11  munij 1971
Norris, Kevin  knorris 1973
Nuzzi, Linda  nuzzil 1974
Perine, Lindsay  11  lperine 1999
Philhower, Heather  philhoh 1976
Plunkett, Kelsey  plunkek 1977
Pressey, Alison  pressea 1978
Prevosti, Patricia  prevosp 1979
Qutub, Sharon  squtub 1980
Rossetto, Kelly  rossetk 1981
Rux Kirk, Gail  11  gruxkirk 1967
Shaffer, Karen  shaffek 1983
Stoffers, Patricia  pstoffers 1970
Tomlinson, Gina  11  gtomlinson 1984
Toutounchi-Deangelis, Taline  toutont 1985
Wall, Erik  ewall 1986
Wasilewski, Jillian  00  jwasilewski  1987
Welch, Danielle  00  welchd 1989
White,John  whitej 1990
White, Kathleen whitek 1991
Williams, Robert williar 1992

Welch SS 7th Grade Math with Ms. Burkart Mrs. Rux Kirk's Speech and Language MS Guidance MS Guidance MS Guidance Mrs. Golizio's 6th Grade SS Mrs. Golizio's 6th Grade SS Mrs. Wasilewski: 7th Grade Science Mr. DiMiceli's Class DK